W a i t !
Rescue will come with the Adonia dawn.
A2 paper with psalm 130 word swirls
The Emmanuel ( Yahweh - with - us ) earth beginnings, where the Jesus discovery by shepherds and the Magian is heralded by a new star birth and myriad angel explosion.
3.25 m x 8 m banner with Matthew 1.18- 25, 2.1-12 and Luke 1.26-38, 2.1-20 word swirls.
E m m a n u e l - i t b e g i n s !
T h e p r u d e n t f i v e
A2 paper with Matthew 25.1-13 word swirls written with 0.4 + 0.3 coloured markers on 0.2 black outline
Jesus' parable of the expectancy of the bridegroom finally finishing the house and the wedding is NOW on!! There are 10 bridesmaids waiting and only 5 of them brought extra oil in their flasks to keep the lamps burning, so when he shows up only 5 prudent ones join him to the feast, while the other 5 have to run back to the shops to get more oil and then they’re too late to get in.